What is the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise?

Update:17 Dec 2020

Many people know that aerobic exercise can lose weight, but some people do not fully understand the exact concept of aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. Some people even simply think that aerobic exercise is exercise in an environment with sufficient oxygen.

This mainly depends on the intensity of the exercise. When the exercise intensity is relatively small, the supply of oxygen is sufficient, and the body obtains energy from the aerobic oxidation of energy substances, that is, aerobic exercise; when the exercise intensity is high, the oxygen supply is relatively insufficient, and the body can use glycogen glycolysis , Generate lactic acid for energy, that is, anaerobic exercise. It can be seen that, in general, the division of aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise is mainly based on whether lactic acid is produced during exercise.

For ordinary people, aerobic exercise should be the main exercise during exercise. This is because the intensity of aerobic exercise is relatively small and the load on the various organs of the body is relatively small. It is not prone to injury accidents and can achieve better exercise results. For young people with training foundation, in order to improve their physical fitness, improve the body's ability to withstand strenuous exercise, and improve the level of competitive sports, a certain percentage of anaerobic exercise must be arranged.

You can perform aerobic exercise more effectively by measuring your heart rate. The easy way is to count your pulse rate. You can count the number of pulses for 30 seconds like a doctor takes the pulse, and multiply it by 2 to get the number of pulses per minute, that is, the pulse rate. The appropriate pulse rate for aerobic exercise is (220-age) × (60%-85%). For example, a 35-year-old man, what is his heart rate range during exercise? First, we subtracted his actual age of 35 from 220 to get a number of 185; then multiply this number by (60%-85%) to get a range, the lower limit is 111 times, and the upper limit is 158 times. This is the range of the heart rate that this man should reach every minute during aerobic exercise.

This method does not distinguish between men and women. It should be noted that this formula is suitable for most people without obvious diseases. For the elderly who are over 50 years old and have a history of chronic diseases of varying degrees, the appropriate heart rate during exercise is (170-age) × (60% to 80%); that is to say, exercise intensity should be reduced, and exercise should not affect the heart. Cause an excessive burden to prevent danger.

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Aerobic exercise requires a certain duration, only in this way can a certain effect be achieved. Under normal circumstances, if there is no congenital disease or related exercise contraindications, it is generally required that each aerobic exercise intensity reaches an appropriate heart rate and lasts at least 20 minutes. Studies have shown that the intensity at an appropriate pulse rate of (220-age) × (60%-85%) is a moderate exercise intensity.

The length of the exercise duration has a great influence on the exercise effect. For people who are just starting to exercise, it is not easy to keep exercising for more than 20 minutes. It should be done step by step and gradually extend the time of exercise to avoid excessive fatigue. With the continuous improvement of body functions, gradually extend the exercise time to 0.5 to 1 hour.